Reading Remediation

Do you have a child that is struggling with reading comprehension, decoding or fluency? Do they have a diagnosed language-based learning disability, dyslexia, ADHD or just need a little extra support to help them become strong, confident readers?

Reading Remediation

Do you have a child that is struggling with reading comprehension, decoding or fluency? Do they have a diagnosed language-based learning disability, ADHD or just need a little extra support to help them become strong, confident readers?

reading remediation

Research Based

By using research-based methodologies to target reading instruction we are able to customize our approach to ensure each student gets the support they need and can experience success.

Balanced Approach

At Ladder 2 Success we support your child’s reading development using a balanced literacy approach making sure that we touch upon all components of literacy from early literacy skills to decoding to fluency and comprehension in order to develop confident, life-long readers.

reading remediation
reading remediation

Balanced Approach

At Ladder 2 Success we support your child’s reading development using a balanced literacy approach making sure that we touch upon all components of literacy from early literacy skills to decoding to fluency and comprehension in order to develop confident, life-long readers.

reading remediation

Research Based

By using research-based methodologies to target reading instruction we are able to customize our approach to ensure each student gets the support they need and can experience success.

Initial Assessment

At the beginning of treatment, each child is evaluated to assess their individual needs. These include standardized reading assessments; interviews with the students, parents and teachers; observations of children in their school environment, and examination of class work. All of these components help to create an overall picture of the student and help to drive instruction. Because each student is different, a variety of approaches, interventions, and programs are utilized so that we can tailor instruction to each student’s needs using evidence-based practice with maximum benefit. These include PAF an Orton-Gillingham based program; Lindamood Bell; and Great Leaps, to name a few.

Initial Assessment

At the beginning of treatment, each child is evaluated to assess their individual needs. These include standardized reading assessments; interviews with the students, parents and teachers; observations of children in their school environment, and examination of class work. All of these components help to create an overall picture of the student and help to drive instruction. Because each student is different, a variety of approaches, interventions, and programs are utilized so that we can tailor instruction to each student’s needs using evidence-based practice with maximum benefit. These include PAF an Orton-Gillingham based program; Lindamood Bell; and Great Leaps, to name a few.

Skills For Improvement

Beginning Reading & Literacy Skills

There are a variety of early literacy skills needed to become successful readers and writers. We incorporate a variety of multisensory based programs to provide children with the inputs they need to build these early literacy skills. During sessions, children will master the following skills:

  • Recognition and naming printed letters
  • Connections between the sounds associated with printed letters
  • Phonemic awareness and the skills needed to break apart and put together the sounds of spoken language, which is essential for learning to blend sounds, read words, and spell.
  • Rapid naming skills which are essential for fluent reading

Decoding & Fluency Skills

Comprehension Skills

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